God-Indwelt Jars


Moments of Glory

light in forest 5

Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved
said to Peter, “It is the Lord!”
(John 21:7)

We don’t see Him, nor does it happen every day of the week, or every time we read the Scriptures or on every occasion that we do some work for Him, but from time to time in the midst of life’s studies, griefs, and duties, true to His promise, He comes to us and manifests Himself in a way that is overwhelmingly real to our hearts. We sense the glow of His presence, the vibrancy of His life. We hear with the heart’s inner ear the rustling of the Shepherd’s robes beside us, and we say with deep conviction, “It is the Lord!”

–David Gooding,
In the School of Christ

Wonderful, plentiful grace


Christ’s boundless grace confronts our deep necessities. Christ’s promised presence confronts our sad and gloomy loneliness. Jesus thus filled with grace so overflowing, with love so tender, with sympathy so exquisite, with power so illimitable, with resources so boundless, with a nature so changeless, stands before us and says to each trembling heart, “Fear not!”

―Octavius Winslow
Evening Thoughts

On the journey


The resurrection stories reveal the always-present tension between coming and leaving, intimacy and distance, holding and letting go, at-homeness and mission, presence and absence. We face that tension every day. It puts us on the journey to the full realization of the promise given to us.

–Henri J. M. Nouwen